Art is an integral part of man’s culture and society. It is a diverse range of human activities that creates
visual, auditory and other forms of artefacts that communicate imaginative and technical skills,
intended to be appreciated for their aesthetics and emotional influence. Human civilisation and arts
development have often been analogous, reflecting the times and seasons of civil advancements.
Every environment has the power to and can influence mood. Therefore, there is a need to understand
the relationship between artworks and the creative expression of architectural employees in Nigerian
architectural firms. Elements in an office environment can create and result in varied experiences. The
descriptive research design was applied in this study. Close-ended questionnaires were administered
to employees of architectural firms through electronic channels – Microsoft Forms. A simple
correlation coefficient (p-value test) was run to test the linear relationship between the variables.
Frequency analysis shows that 58.1% of respondents had <5 artworks and 35.5% had >5 and <10
artworks displayed within their workspace environment. The results also show that 45.2% of artworks
visibly displayed within respondents’ workspace are paintings, 33.9% are pictures, and 21% are
architectural models and calligraphic depictions. A weak inverse relationship between artwork and
work quality was observed. An R square value of 0.072 indicates that artwork in the workspace
impacts the emotional feelings of architectural professionals by 7.2%, which is not statistically
significant. During school years, continuous professional development conferences and competitions,
appreciating artworks should be introduced to Nigeria’s architects.
Keywords: Architectural professionals, Artwork, Creativity, Workspace
- Opaluwa, E., *Obaleye, J.O., Omokhoa, C.N., Ben-Agbo, E. & Ogunlana, A.
- Effect of artwork on creativity
Effect of artwork on creativity
Art is an integral part of man's culture and elements in an office environment can create and result in varied experiencessociety